Please could you explain the process to me, i am very interested, can you fill me in on how to do this. - Weblio Email例文集, Could you please tell me the details of your suggestion? Today, the Nikkei Average is slumping at around 9,000 yen due to the impact of the disaster. - 金融庁, 改革の担当大臣ということなのですが、総理のご指示を踏まえまして、行革・金融担当大臣として早急に取り組むべき具体的な懸案について教えていただきたい。例文帳に追加, In light of the Prime Minister's instructions, what, specifically, are the pending tasks that you, as minister for administrative reform and financial services, must tackle urgently?
- 金融庁, 今のお答えの中にありました、幹部の全国派遣によるヒアリングを先週から行っているとお聞きしておりますが、具体的な方法や期間、さらにその結果をどのように反映させていくのかについて教えてください。例文帳に追加, As you mentioned in your answer, I understand that last week, the FSA started dispatching senior officials across the country in order to conduct hearings. Mr. Aso’s economic policy features aggressive fiscal stimulus and preferential tax measures for securities investment. In light of these proactive movements in Europe, how do you view the state of the European financial system, which has become a new source of concern after the U.S. financial system? あと、具体的な目標があれば教えてください。 例文帳に追加 There have been various types of minister for financial services , such as Mr. Kamei , Mr. Jimi , and Mr. Takenaka. - 金融庁, これまで金融担当大臣では、亀井さんですとか自見さんですとか、過去には竹中さんと様々なタイプの大臣がおられましたけれども、どのような大臣像を目指されるかというのを教えていただけますか。あと、具体的な目標があれば教えてください。例文帳に追加, There have been various types of minister for financial services, such as Mr. Kamei, Mr. Jimi, and Mr. Takenaka.
By when and with what stance are you going to work out the standards? 1)Could please take me through the steps on how I can do art trade. - 金融庁, 来年度の予算なのですが、金融庁として、どういった要望を出すのか、今答えられる範囲で具体的に教えていただければと思います。例文帳に追加, Could you tell me -- as much as is possible now-- about the details of a fiscal 2009 budget request that the FSA is going to make? - 金融庁, この方針の趣旨を踏まえて月末までに更に細かい対策を打ち出すようですが、金融庁としては具体的にどのような取組みができるのか教えてください。例文帳に追加, I understand that specific measures will be worked out based on this policy by the end of this month.
SNSにイラストをアップしています。カナダのフォロワーさんから「Art trade」をしませんか?と誘われました。おもしろそうなのでやってみたいのですが、具体的にはどういう方法でやるのか分からないのでそこを聞きたいのです。. - Weblio Email例文集, 資料に見られる数字の具体的な根拠を教えて頂けますか。(メールで書く場合)例文帳に追加, Can you tell me in details how the figures in the reference were calculated? Could you tell me what kind of minister you would like to be? - 金融庁, そして、亀井前大臣の頃、色々な試みをお考えだったようですが、現実にその政策がこういう形でひとつ現実になって、そうした低金利の小口の借り手を必要とする零細、個人に対してどう手当てしていくのか。特にとりわけゆうちょの資金というものをどう活用可能なのか、この点についてお考えを教えてください。例文帳に追加, Well, with former Minister Kamei thus having contemplated various ideas and now that one of such potential policies has actually become a reality, please tell us what your view is as to how to cater to micro-enterprises and individuals who need low-interest, small financing – particularly with respect to how Japan Post Bank's funds could be used for that purpose.
Also, tell me about your specific objectives, if you have any. - 金融庁, この週末、イギリス、ドイツ、フランス、イタリアの首脳が金融危機について話し合ったと思いますが、今日の東京市場の下げは、一説にはヨーロッパでの連携が思ったより具体的な成果が出せなかったからという見方もありますが、長官としてヨーロッパの対策についての評価と欧州の金融市場についてどのようにご覧になっているのか教えてください。例文帳に追加, Over the weekend, the leaders of Britain, Germany, France and Italy held a meeting to discuss the financial crisis. In light of these proactive movements in Europe, how do you view the state of the European financial system, which has become a new source of concern after the U.S. financial system? Could you tell me specifically how the FSA plans to respond to these moves, in its capacity as the supervisor of the financial sector, and when it will take action?
- 金融庁, この逮捕されたということについて、まず大臣のご所見と、それから再発防止策を今具体的に着手されているかと思うのですが、これはいつごろまでにまとめるかなど現状について教えてください。例文帳に追加, Could you comment on the arrest and also tell me about the status of your deliberation on measures to prevent a recurrence of a case like this, including when you will likely work out the measures? Also, tell me about your specific objectives, if you have any. It is written here that JBIC will provide financing for local financial institutions, etc. Also, while I understand the additional economic package calls on financial institutions to pay special care to the fund-raising situation, is there any other measure under consideration in relation to the fund-raising situation for companies? - 金融庁, Could you please tell what is an art trade and how we can do it? How do you view the year-end fund-raising situation for companies? - 金融庁, 今の訪米の件ですが、概略はうかがいましたが、特に国際金融市場の混乱が続いている中でバーナンキFRB議長と会談するというのは非常に注目も高いと思いますが、特にバーナンキさんやコックス議長と具体的にどういうテーマについて会談したいと考えていらっしゃるのか、踏み込んだ形で教えてください。例文帳に追加, Regarding your trip to the United States, the outline of which you already told us about, I expect that your meeting with FRB Chairman Bernanke will attract intense attention amid the continued turmoil in the global financial market. Could you tell us about the relationship between the stock price recovery and financial institutions' financial conditions and lending stance?
- 金融庁, それに関連して、株価回復で金融機関の財務も回復が期待できます。ただ、この前、与謝野大臣は、金融機関は財務が回復したといっても、すぐに貸出姿勢が積極的になるとは限らないということで、貸出姿勢をめぐる検査なり監督なりというのは、引き続きやっていく必要がある、ということをおっしゃっています。株価回復と、金融機関の財務面、及び貸出姿勢の関係について教えてください。例文帳に追加, In relation to that, there are hopes for a recovery in financial institutions' financial conditions following the stock price rebound. あと、具体的な目標があれば教えてください。 例文帳に追加. Also, what specific requests, if any, has the FSA made to financial institutions with regard to the continuation of over-the-counter services in the event of a widespread outbreak of infection, although the BOJ (Bank of Japan) may be mainly responsible for such affairs. What specific issues do you intend to discuss with Chairman Bernanke and (Securities and Exchange Commission ) Chairman Cox?
- 金融庁.
Could you please talk me through the process of art trading? Could please take me through the steps on how I can do art trade. Could you tell me what specific measures the FSA (Financial Services Agency) can take?
If there is already any deal that has actually been concluded in some country, can you please tell us about it? 面接にあたって対策をして臨む受験者が多いのは事実ですが、 面接官が知りたいのは対策なしのときの受験者の姿です。 仕事をする上では綿密な計画や対策が行えるかどうかというのも大切な要素なので 面 …
- 金融庁, 金融行政のトップとして、どのような対策、予防策を打っておられるか、具体的に教えてください。お願いします。例文帳に追加, Please tell me specifically what countermeasures and preventive measures you have in place as the top official for financial administration. "How does an art trade work" in this sentence you are asking the person to give you details of how an art trade works however, this form of asking now a days is discorouged because some people might want to take advantage of you because it sounds like you dont know what you are talking about. との会話されているシーンは、実は一度も聞いたことがありません。3語で伝わる鉄板表現をご紹介します!
- 金融庁, この方針の趣旨を踏まえて月末までに更に細かい対策を打ち出すようですが、金融庁としては具体的にどのような取組みができるのか教えてください。例文帳に追加, I understand that specific measures will be worked out based on this policy by the end of this month. - 金融庁, これで、G-SIFIsの枠組みが固まって、バーゼルⅢも既に固まっているということで、今後、この国際基準を受けて、国内の銀行に対する基準をどうしていくのかに焦点が移っていくかと思うのですけれども、これは大臣、いつぐらいまでに決めたいとか、どういうスタンスで作っていくというお考えがあれば教えてください。例文帳に追加, Now that the outline of measures related to G-SIFIs and the framework of the Basel III have been fixed, the focus of attention is expected to shift to what standards will be applied to domestic banks following the introduction of the international standards. Could you tell us about your view on what should be done with the market mitigation measures and emergency measures? Do you think that this will affect banks' capital through latent losses and write-downs? Could you tell me what kind of minister you would like to be? - 金融庁, 関連ですが、先週1週間を振り返りますと、フォルティスだとかフランス・ベルギー系の大手のデクシアとか、具体的に個別の大手を含めた金融機関の公的管理が相次ぎ、週末にはドイツをはじめいくつかの国で預金の全額保護という措置が取られて、欧州での動きが活発に見えますが、改めて、アメリカの次の欧州の金融システムについてどのようにご覧になっているのか教えてください。例文帳に追加, Last week, a succession of major banks like Fortis and Dexia, which is a French-Belgian bank, were placed under government control, and some countries, including Germany, have taken steps to fully protect deposits at the end of the week. Could you tell me what specific measures the FSA (Financial Services Agency) can take? Could you tell me specifically how the FSA plans to respond to these moves, in its capacity as the supervisor of the financial sector, and when it will take action? Although I'm interested, I don’t know how.
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