

twitter for ios とは

Under that you'll find pertinent photos and accounts.

Write a Tweet to let the world know what's happening with you.

A basic timeline sets the stage for universal discovery of any topic you are interested in, and gives you the ability to share tweets, pictures, live videos, and more.

To edit your profile, press the Edit Profile button on the top right. Twitter's adaptive UI serves up an optimum line length, font size, and view no matter which device you're using. Plume, the app formerly known as Touiteur, is customizable and easy on the eyes.

This official app has been pared down to cut down on storage space and data requirements, weighing in at just 3MB and allowing you to only download the images or videos you want to see. ; You will be guided through our sign up experience and prompted to enter information such as your name and email address. Look back at your Tweets, Retweets, replies, media, and likes.

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Find out who started following you.

Twitter for iOSはアプリ内にコンテンツを保存するため、端末の空き容量が減ることがあります。 空き容量を増やすには、Twitterのメディアストレージやウェブサイトストレージを削除します。 Listen to your favorite podcasts on the go. Nintendo Switch vs. Switch Lite: Which is better?

Get suggestions on influential people to follow. To edit your settings, view lists, get help, or sign out, tap the settings icon at top center. You’re free to create your own keyword or rules-based filters to hide tweets by specific users, keywords, or hashtags. Let's start building. Shopping lists tweets about popular products from popular accounts. $2.99/month for a 3-year plan. Entertainment shows you movies, books, and apps to consume.

See what topics and hashtags are trending now. Join the conversation. Publish & analyze Tweets, optimize ads, & create unique customer experiences with the Twitter API, Twitter Ads API, & Twitter for Websites. On your profile page, you can see how many people you're following and how many people are following you. But no matter what you use Twitter for, if you want to use it on the go, you’re going to need an app. Twitterの他、Mastodon・Tumblr・Slackに対応しているマルチSNSクライアントアプリです。複数SNSのアカウントをまとめてグループにし、合同タイムラインを閲覧することも可能。

Learn more about the stories that matter to you.

Twitter is what's happening in the world and what people are talking about right now. Create a group conversation with anyone who follows you.

********What people are... UberSocial: Everything you want from your Twitter app and more! But unfortunately for droids, it’s iOS-only. Keep in touch with the world in real-time.
Aviaryを開発&公開したのはSwift@IBMプロジェクトに関わっていた元IBMのShihab Mehboob(JPEGuin)さんで、タイムラインの閲覧はもちろん、単語やハッシュタグ、正規表現での検索、トレンド、プロフィール表示、ダークモード、マルチカラム(iPadOS)などに対応しています。, また、マルチアカウントやアイコンを変えられるAlternate App Icon、Siriショートカット、キーボードとトラックパッドのサポート、iMessageステッカー、ジェスチャーのカスタマイズ、アクセシビリティ、iOS 14のウィジェット機能などをサポート/搭載しています。, ‎Aviaryのシステム要件はiOS 14/iPadOS 14、watchOS 6.0以降で、macOSアプリも今後リリースよていで、ユニバーサル購入の価格は610円(4.99ドル)となっているので、クロスプラットフォーム対応のTwitterクライアントに興味がある方はチェックしてみてください。, AppStore, Aviary, Bluebird, iOS, iPad, iPadOS, iPhone, Mac, MacAppStore, macOS, News, Twitter, WatchOS, アップデート, アプリ, ユニバーサル購入, レビュー, 有料 Twitter is one of the biggest social media sites around, and you deserve a good app to use it. Exprience one of the most popular micro-blogging site in the world. It’s simple enough to pick up and use immediately, and powerful enough to tweak it just the way you want. Discover which of your Tweets were liked or Retweeted.

iOS 14のウィジェットやダークモード、カスタムジェスチャー、Alternate App Icon、マルチカラムやキーボード(iPadOS)に対応しユニバーサル購入可能で、iOSやiPadOS, watchOSだけでなくmacOSもサポート予定のTwitterクライアント「Aviary」がリリースされてい … NewsLoop: News, entertainment, lifestyle headlines. Easy tweeting: Press the composition button to go to a new screen where you can type a tweet, add a photo, and tag your location. While Twitter’s official app is good (and included below), it isn’t the only option available, and some apps offer features the original doesn’t.

‎Join the conversation!

Watch live streaming events. Sync your contacts to find friends currently on Twitter or invite more.

It supports customizable design and tabs, three Twitter accounts, filtering, and auto pagination. Places lists tweets about destinations ranging from the faraway to local restaurants and boutiques. You can filter out material or people you don’t want to hear from or about, and sync reading between mobile devices to pick up where you left off. Download Twitter and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

, It also has a limited time launch price.https://t.co/iSZbKz4Mo4 pic.twitter.com/QDGFmu2Bzr, — Aviary (@AviaryTheApp) September 16, 2020.

Follow your interests and get short bursts of timely information on the official Twitter app. Relive the latest sports highlights.

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It’s certainly not the best looking Twitter app out there, but it is quick, and — most importantly — it’s free.

A consistent experience across iPhone and iPad: Twitter now has one app for iPhone and iPad. A Profile Notes feature offers private annotations for user profiles to remind you about people you follow or who follow you.

Notifications. Twitter is used by governments, corporations, and press outlets, as well as gossipers and jokesters, to push influence, share cat pictures, and everything in between. Like many social networks, for Twitter to remain a free app, it is awash in ads and promoted posts.

You can choose to see tweets from favorite people and get notified whenever they post a new tweet, and the app offers powerful mute options for users, retweets, hashtags, Twitter clients, and expressions. TwitPane is a powerful Twitter app that’s quick and light on its feet. Number of IP addresses: 30,000 Spring-clean your twitter account by: unfollowing inactive twitter users.

Great shopping tool: Under Recent Searches, you'll find three categories that help you search @twittershopping: Shopping, Entertainment, and Places.  / September 18, 2015.

Design your... Twitter Dashboard is a free app that makes it easy to manage your business on Twitter. No linking or emoji buttons: Facebook enables you to click its Add a Link button or emoji button to search popular stories (or ones you've recently clicked) or a variety of emoji to add to your posts. The app makes it easy to respond to tweets, view conversations, or post from alt accounts. It supports multiple accounts, a customizable main screen where your lists and saved searches are a swipe away, images and video previews, and support for YouTube, Instagram, and Flickr. Twitter is a great communication and discovery tool, and the unified app for iPhone and iPad makes for a more consistent user experience. From breaking news and entertainment to sports, politics, and everyday interests, when it happens in the world, it happens on Twitter first. Connect. Custom timelines let you create and manage public or private lists and use them as curated timelines.

Be in the know about pop culture and entertainment.

140 characters or less: If you're wordy, then Twitter's 140-character limit won't work for you.

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